People who comment on the psychology of bodybuilding tend to be non-bodybuilders, looking upon the successful bodybuilder as some sort of alien personality. The bodybuilder must be narcissistic, one might conclude, look at how concerned he is with his appearance. Actutally there are many kinds of narcissism. A lazier man than a bodybuilder might try to adorn his body with the latest fashions then try to gain an inch on his arms. This takes less effort. Another might buy a fancy sports car to bolster his self-image. By doing this he lets the car do the work and be spared the time trying to build bigger arms and shoulders.
What is it about the well-muscled man that is so disturbing to some muscle-less men and to those women who profess to be “turned off” by big muscles. Could it be that these people are intimidate- subtly frightened by clearly visible evidence of superior physical development.
Perhaps it is time for some mesomorphic psychologist to study the reason why people feel so threatened by a well-muscled man.
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