I am going to explain in detail the theory of Drop Sets. After I go into detail you will have a clear understanding about the principals of drop sets. Lets start with what most people do in the gym.
4 sets, 8 – 10 reps……add 5 or 10 lbs to the next set, again try to get 8 – 10 reps, add another 5 or 10 lbs, again try to get the 8 -10 reps, by the time you get to your 4 set most have only gotten 5 or 6 reps and total reps for the entire 4 sets was under 25 reps. This is not enough to stimulate the muscle for growth and no where near enough to get a maximum pump into the muscle. Now you’re a bit weathered from the first exercise and you move to the next, again the same 4 sets, 8 -10 rep mentality with a mediocre pump. If you’re a basic weight lifter this might be good for you but if you’re a bodybuilder this is not enough to stimulate growth. Lets try this theory.
***On the first set of the first exercise of the body part your training your 100% fresh. Lets start with a weight say about 60% or even 50% of your max. Or in other words if you start with Barbell curls, 60 lb barbell and you curl it for 20 to 25 reps, you immediately drop the weight to a 50 lb barbell, again curl it for maximum reps ( 15 to 20 if you can), then drop to a 40lb barbell, curl it for maximum reps, then drop to a 30lb barbell and again curl it for maximum reps. You have completely exhausted the biceps, going well over 50 reps and close to 75 reps on the very first set of the exercise doing drops…..rest about a minute and feel the blood rushing into the biceps, the skin tightening ect.
Start your 2nd set, now using a lighter starting weight, lets say 50 lbs, now curl this for maximum reps, drop the weight 10 lbs lighter to 40lb barbell and curl for maximum reps, again dropping the weight another 10 lbs to a 30 lb barbell and curling it to maximum reps. I promise you your biceps are going to feel like they want to explode. You might say, but I only did 2 sets, no you didn’t, you actually did 8 sets and did well over 150 reps. This is what puts maximum blood volume into the muscle. Its weight that you can control through out the movement. The weights that I mentioned are used as an example only but its what I use.
On your 2nd and 3rd exercise you can do the drop sets again, start with a weight you can handle for maximum reps. Remember don’t get hung up on how much weight your lifting, its what your doing with the weight your lifting.
As you progress in this type of program your going to build muscle mass, muscle strength and your muscles are going to be conditioned. Your gonna find out that you can increase your starting weight over time and your strength is going to improve.
This program can also be done in reverse starting with a light weigh and each drop you increase by 5 or 10 lbs and do the reps to failure on each set.
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